HireVue Product Documentation
Effective Feb 1, 2025 
Version: 2.0

      HV4 Technical Specifications


General Requirements

User System Requirements

  1. Internet Connection

  2. Operating System

    1. OS X 10.12+

    2. Windows 10+

      1. Windows 10 support is limited to releases that are still supported by Microsoft (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13853/windows-lifecycle-fact-sheet)

  3. Browser (HireVue recommends Chrome for the best experience.)

    1. Chrome (latest)

    2. Firefox (latest and latest ESR)

    3. Safari 15+

    4. Edge (on supported versions of Windows 10+)

      1. Live Interviews in Edge are supported only on Edge 79+

      2. Note: Users will not be able to record intro, closing, or question videos within Edge version 15 or lower. 

  4. Machine processor – minimum 1 GHz (2.0 GHz recommended)

  5. RAM – 1GB RAM minimum (4GB recommended)

  6. Web camera (for recording video responses/intro/closing videos and participation in Live interviews)

  7. Functional microphone and speakers (for reviewing recordings/participation in Live interviews)

  8. Blurred backgrounds for Live interviews is only available for Chrome 95+ and Edge 79+


HireVue for Recruiting - Mobile Applications

iOS minimum version supported 13+

Android minimum version supported 8.0+


Candidate System Requirements

  1. Internet Connection

  2. Operating System

    1. OS X 10.12+

    2. Windows 10+

      1. Windows 10 support is limited to releases that are still supported by Microsoft (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13853/windows-lifecycle-fact-sheet).

  3. Browser (HireVue recommends Chrome for the best experience.)

    1. Chrome (latest)

    2. Firefox (latest and latest ESR)

    3. Safari 15+

    4. Edge 95+

  4. Machine processor – minimum 1 GHz (2.0 GHz recommended)

  5. RAM – 1GB RAM minimum

  6. Web camera (for recording video responses)

  7. Functional microphone and speakers

  8. Blurred backgrounds for Live interviews is only available for Chrome 95+ and Edge 95+

  9. There are no specific device requirements for Hiring Assistant SMS messages for the candidate


HireVue for Candidates - Mobile Applications

iOS minimum version supported 13+

Android minimum version supported 8.0+


Mobile Browsers for On Demand

iOS minimum version supported 15+, Safari mobile browser 15+

Android minimum version supported 8.0+, Chrome mobile browser latest


The HireVue solution includes an SMTP server to deliver emails to candidates, manager, and interview panelist participants. If your email configuration requires whitelisting we recommend including *.hirevue.com. For specific deployments see below:


Email Invitations

Calendar Invites







US - Only



We no longer provide IP Addresses for our outbound SMTP server as those should be validated via SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. 

Screen Sharing for On Demand 

To complete an interview that includes screen sharing questions the candidate will need to use the latest Chrome or Edge browser.

On Demand Interview Requirements

Candidates completing interviews on demand (1-way) fall under the same general technical requirements. For additional info on the bandwidth and video see below. 


Interview Type




Data Usage

Avg Framerate


1-way Web


100 kbps

350 kbps



480p (VGA)

1-way Android


100 kbps

350 kbps



480p (VGA)

1-way iOS 


100 kbps

350 kbps



480p (VGA)

1-way Web w/ Screensharing


100 kbps

350 kbps



Candidate’s Screen Resolution

Video Playback Requirements


All HireVue supported browsers. Video played back using HLS will succeed using as little as 150kbps. If more bandwidth is available, video quality will increase in steps up to 1.5mbps.

Live Interview Requirements

Live Connection Test

To conduct a connection test to verify connectivity and network performance for live interviews, go to the HireVue Connection Test page:
US - Live 3.0 https://app.hirevue.com/ui/live/#/connection-test
International - Live 3.0 ​​https://eu.hirevue.com/ui/live/#/connection-test 

(This only applies to HireVue Live interviews)


Live interviews have more stringent requirements.  Customers not interested in live interviews can safely ignore this section.

HireVue uses WebRTC for conducting live interviews. WebRTC is a modern solution that provides excellent audio and video quality, lower latency, improved echo cancellation and a best-in-class experience.  

HireVue recommends Chrome for the best experience.

HireVue also offers a Live Desktop Application for conducting Live interviews. (see section below)

Bandwidth Requirements

Live 2-way interviews require 300kbps up and down (500kbps recommended).  Each additional participant in the interview requires an additional 300kbps of downstream bandwidth.


Headsets are recommended for all live interviews.  They reduce echo and provide better clarity.


Proxies may be necessary for some networks but introduce latency which can degrade live interviews.  The HireVue solution is designed to work through most proxies, but quality may be lower.

For some companies (in particular, larger enterprises), it may be necessary to “whitelist” servers for live interviews to resolve issues with proxies.  HireVue will give out information about our media servers, and a technical contact inside of your company (for example, someone from network IT) will make it so HireVue traffic bypasses the proxy.

Mobile Support

Live interviews are supported on mobile devices (see minimum requirements in the general requirements section).

Additional recommendations for mobile users:

  • Prefer a wireless network over a cellular network

  • Plug the mobile device in (prevents the battery from running out mid-interview)

  • Have a place to set the device to provide a stable image free of shaking


WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that supports browser-to-browser applications for voice calling and video chat. WebRTC has native support in Chrome and Firefox.  All other browsers need to download a plug-in to utilize the technology, though most have work in progress to incorporate this technology natively. 

Network Configuration

There are two possible network configurations:

  1. Customers may allow an HTTP CONNECT request over port 443.  This method works best on heavily restricted networks.  Proxies that perform packet inspection may need to disable that feature for traffic going to the following domain for this to work:

    1. *.hvproxy.net

  2. Customers may allow outbound traffic on UDP port 3478.  This method provides the best possible performance.