HireVue Product Documentation

Effective Feb 2022
Version: 1.0

HV4 Explainability Statement 


If you’re looking for information on how our artificial intelligence works, including how, when, and why we use this technology, you’ve come to the right place. 

The first of its kind in Human Resources Technology, the HireVue AI Explainability Statement provides our customers, their candidates, and the broader public with a clear and short description of how we leverage AI in interviews that include our game-based and/or interview assessments.

The ethical development of AI, along with data security and privacy, are core values at HireVue This project is the latest in our ongoing efforts to ensure our products live up to those values, and we hope that they become an industry standard.

Please click here to see the full statement.

The HireVue AI Explainability Statement was prepared in partnership with Best Practice AI (supported by Simmons & Simmons and Jacob Turner of Fountain Court Chambers).

If you would like more information on the statement or the science behind our software, please email press@hirevue.com.

Thank you,

Lindsey Zuloaga
Chief Data Scientist